Thursday, November 6, 2014

Little Timmy's Birthday Club

Monday, November 3 was Little Timmy's birthday, and of course we had to celebrate. It was basically a massive birthday party for our invisible friend.

We had visits from some cool friends, Lola and Lulu, who challenged us to balloon popping and our other friends Holly and Jolly came and visited also. Even though Holly and Jolly claimed to be Santa's elves, they came a little early this year.

Holly and Jolly hosted our 'Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey' game, which was hilarious.

Just like every week at the end of club, we heard a message from one of our leaders. Lexie talked to us about John 13, and she shared a small story about her life with us. When she was younger, she hated going to the doctor for shots. At one visit, she was so terrified that she ran out of the doctor's office and hid behind her mom's car. Funny right? At the same time though, this parallels to our own lives. We run to things a lot of times for happiness and to make us feel good or to find love. Things like school work, sports, relationships, friendships- we all try and find happiness in these things. The thing is though, the only place we can truly find comfort and love is in the arms of Jesus. We'll find out next week a little more about how Jesus heals us of our preexisting condition-sin- and how that affects our relationship with God. 

Tune in next week!

A few things you should know:
  • Crooked Creek Ranch camp sign ups are happening as I type this. If you are interested in going to Crooked Creek with us, talk to your leader ASAP! The dates are June 19-29, 2015.
  • All-city Young Life banquet is happening November 17! Location and time TBA. You should be there!
  • Our next club is Camo Club- We look forward to seeing you decked out in your camo and neon orange vests!

Saturday, November 1, 2014


On Monday, Oct. 27, we had our pre- Halloween Costume Club. Shoutout to everyone that came and dressed in cool costumes!

We had such a fun club. There were lots of dum-dums and a lot of food involved. Another shoutout to Ellie for winning our apple-eating/candy corn-finding competition!

And at the very end of club, Nick talked to us about John 11. He talked about his adventure with his little sister when they were younger. They went to a funeral home for a funeral, and Nick had to use the restroom. Not knowing where the bathroom, he accidentally walked into a room that had a dead body in it-yikes! After he returned to the funeral, he had to escort his little sister to the "bathroom" and took her to the same room as the dead body- YIKES! again. He then talked about Lazarus in the Bible, who died. He talked about how Jesus went and raised him from the dead, and we got on the topic of death. We'll see over the course of the next few weeks at club why death may not be such a bad thing after all, because in Jesus' case, it is actually a gift to all of us. Crazy, right?! Join us at club!

Some things you should know:

  • Club this Monday is "Little Timmy's birthday club", so come to club decked out with birthday hats and bubbles!
  • Also, our All-city Young Life Banquet is Monday, Nov. 17. So we will be having club with the other schools in Greensboro Young Life. Mark your calendars!
Stay cool, y'all!