Thursday, November 6, 2014

Little Timmy's Birthday Club

Monday, November 3 was Little Timmy's birthday, and of course we had to celebrate. It was basically a massive birthday party for our invisible friend.

We had visits from some cool friends, Lola and Lulu, who challenged us to balloon popping and our other friends Holly and Jolly came and visited also. Even though Holly and Jolly claimed to be Santa's elves, they came a little early this year.

Holly and Jolly hosted our 'Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey' game, which was hilarious.

Just like every week at the end of club, we heard a message from one of our leaders. Lexie talked to us about John 13, and she shared a small story about her life with us. When she was younger, she hated going to the doctor for shots. At one visit, she was so terrified that she ran out of the doctor's office and hid behind her mom's car. Funny right? At the same time though, this parallels to our own lives. We run to things a lot of times for happiness and to make us feel good or to find love. Things like school work, sports, relationships, friendships- we all try and find happiness in these things. The thing is though, the only place we can truly find comfort and love is in the arms of Jesus. We'll find out next week a little more about how Jesus heals us of our preexisting condition-sin- and how that affects our relationship with God. 

Tune in next week!

A few things you should know:
  • Crooked Creek Ranch camp sign ups are happening as I type this. If you are interested in going to Crooked Creek with us, talk to your leader ASAP! The dates are June 19-29, 2015.
  • All-city Young Life banquet is happening November 17! Location and time TBA. You should be there!
  • Our next club is Camo Club- We look forward to seeing you decked out in your camo and neon orange vests!

Saturday, November 1, 2014


On Monday, Oct. 27, we had our pre- Halloween Costume Club. Shoutout to everyone that came and dressed in cool costumes!

We had such a fun club. There were lots of dum-dums and a lot of food involved. Another shoutout to Ellie for winning our apple-eating/candy corn-finding competition!

And at the very end of club, Nick talked to us about John 11. He talked about his adventure with his little sister when they were younger. They went to a funeral home for a funeral, and Nick had to use the restroom. Not knowing where the bathroom, he accidentally walked into a room that had a dead body in it-yikes! After he returned to the funeral, he had to escort his little sister to the "bathroom" and took her to the same room as the dead body- YIKES! again. He then talked about Lazarus in the Bible, who died. He talked about how Jesus went and raised him from the dead, and we got on the topic of death. We'll see over the course of the next few weeks at club why death may not be such a bad thing after all, because in Jesus' case, it is actually a gift to all of us. Crazy, right?! Join us at club!

Some things you should know:

  • Club this Monday is "Little Timmy's birthday club", so come to club decked out with birthday hats and bubbles!
  • Also, our All-city Young Life Banquet is Monday, Nov. 17. So we will be having club with the other schools in Greensboro Young Life. Mark your calendars!
Stay cool, y'all!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

H I P S T E R club

On Monday night, we had Hipster Club. We didn't want to be mainstream, and we were successful. So there's that.

We also didn't have club last week because we went and tailgated in the parking lot at Northern and watched our very own Junior and Senior girls go head-to-head against each other in their Powderpuff game. We were also distracted by the cheerleaders, who were boys. In wigs. Not mainstream at all.

Anyway, this week we had fun with raw biscuits, because who doesn't like raw biscuits on their foreheads?!

We also had a dance off, and congrats to Jordan K. for dancing so well. That boy got some serious moves!

At the end of the night, we heard Bre talk about John 9. She spoke briefly about the fact that she has been wearing glasses for 17 years (whaaaaattt) and how when she was younger she hated wearing glasses. When she was 5, her glasses broke in half. And it wasn't until her glasses broke that she realized just how bad she needed them in order to see. This parallels to the man born blind in John 9, and how Jesus spit in the dirt and made mud and put it on the man's eyes and sent him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man was obedient and went, and was instantly healed. he could see! When Jesus went and found him, the man had just been kicked out by the Pharisees. The Pharisees questioned Jesus and asked if they were blind as well. By their actions, they revealed they were spiritually blind. This spiritual blindness can only be healed by Jesus Christ. Jesus is like our spiritual glasses. Without him, we can't see very far at all. But with him, our vision is 20/20. This shows us just how bad we need Him in order to see.

It felt like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our exes. Uh-huh.... Not really. That's mainstream. But it was definitely a fun night!

Things you should know:

  • CAMP IS THIS WEEKEND!!!!! We can't wait. It's gonna be an awesome weekend at WINDY GAP! GET PUMPED. if you want to go, let your leader know ASAP! the camp form can be found here.
  • Also, ask your leader about Campaigners!
  • Lastly, we have some t-shirts left! They are $12 if you want one. Let your leader know!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


On Sept. 29, 2014, we had Merica club. We had a pretty nice turn out- shout out to y'all!

We started club by singing the National Anthem- because why not?! And it flowed from there.

Our awesome Seniors did a cool skit for us, called the "Pass it Down" skit. Everyone loved it. Great job seniors!

At the end of club, Taylor, one of Northern's leaders, talked to us about John 5. She began by telling us a little about herself and her experience at Summer Staff at Frontier Ranch this past summer. Her job required her to go up a mountain, and then go back down the mountain. It was during this that she hurt her toe, and she thought is was broken. The man we read about in John 5 was limp and hadn't been able to walk for 38 years. Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed, and indeed he did. The same way Taylor thought her toe was broken, we sometimes feel like we are too.

We often feel like nothing is going right for us. We feel broken, and we look to school, or sports, or our friends to find help and relief but Jesus is the only one to mend our brokenness. We have to ask ourselves if we want to be healed- and if we're willing to turn to Jesus for the healing. We'll talk more about that in deeper context club, but it is something for you guys to be thinking about before then.

A couple of things you should know:

  • As of Oct. 2, we only have about 15 spots left for fall camp at Windy Gap. We go October 17-19. If you want to go and need a camp form, click here. Make sure you give the form and your money to a leader or mail it to the Young Life office ASAP.
  • We will not be having club on Oct. 6. We are going to the Powder Puff game and will be tailgating before the game starts in the parking lot at Northern. Be there at 6! Come and cheer on your Juniors and Seniors.
Hope y'all have a great week!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


On Monday, September 22nd, we had an awesome Rave/Neon Club. It was awesome to see everyone decked out in their bright outfits and glow sticks everywhere!

We played a cool game of...well some of our friends wore pantyhose with tennis balls on their heads and swung them around to try to pull it off their opponent's heads! It was fun to watch, and our game contestants rocked!

Lexie, another one of our Northern Young Life leaders, spoke on John 3. She told us a story about how she and her friends thought it would be fun to try out for the cheer leading squad in high school. She said they made it, but eventually quit. She made the point that they all wore the cheer leading outfits and looked like cheerleaders, but on the inside, it wasn't who they were. This paralleled to Nicodemus.

Nicodemus was someone that appeared to have a lot of knowledge to the people around him, but he didn't know that much. And he cared so much about what others thought of him, he went and saw Jesus at night to inquire about who Jesus was so that no one would see him. So just like Lexie looked like a cheer leader on the outside and she wasn't on the inside, Nicodemus appeared to have everything in his life together and he didn't.

She concluded by sharing with us that Jesus wants a relationship with us and meets us where we're at, no matter where it is. He cares about our hearts and wants to walk through life with us.

And then she asked a hard question- What is limiting us from having a personal relationship with Jesus?

It was a great night and we're always looking forward to our next club!

A few things you should know:

  • As of 9/29, we have only a few more camp spots left so if you want to go with us, fill out and submit your form ASAP! The dates are Oct. 17-19! The form can be found here.

  • Also, the Powder Puff game is Oct. 6, so we will not be having club. We will be having a tailgate before the game and then going to the game to cheer on our Juniors and Seniors that are participating!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

First Club of the Year!

On Monday, Sept. 15, we had our very first club of the year! There was no general theme, but it was still a blast. It was so great to have everyone back after the summer!

We sang songs, our senior leaders Jess and Alivia had a cool skit for us, and we played a fun game and our winners won free t-shirts!

Nick, one of Northern Young Life's leaders, talked a little about his first experience with Young Life. Someone told him to "Come and see what it's about", and so he did. After being called up for a game, he remembers asking himself why he was there. He then realized that everything has purpose, there was a reason why he was at club that night, just like there was a reason that everyone who came to club was there. 

Nick also talked about John 1, and it is there that we find that everything has a Creator, and that is God. When God created the earth and all that was in it, he said it was good. But when God created us, he looked at us and saw that we were very good. He also gave an overview of what we will be talking about this semester. We'll talk about how Jesus came to earth in human form, to save His people from their sins. 

Our first club was crazy awesome, and we can't wait for the rest of the semester!