Tuesday, September 30, 2014


On Monday, September 22nd, we had an awesome Rave/Neon Club. It was awesome to see everyone decked out in their bright outfits and glow sticks everywhere!

We played a cool game of...well some of our friends wore pantyhose with tennis balls on their heads and swung them around to try to pull it off their opponent's heads! It was fun to watch, and our game contestants rocked!

Lexie, another one of our Northern Young Life leaders, spoke on John 3. She told us a story about how she and her friends thought it would be fun to try out for the cheer leading squad in high school. She said they made it, but eventually quit. She made the point that they all wore the cheer leading outfits and looked like cheerleaders, but on the inside, it wasn't who they were. This paralleled to Nicodemus.

Nicodemus was someone that appeared to have a lot of knowledge to the people around him, but he didn't know that much. And he cared so much about what others thought of him, he went and saw Jesus at night to inquire about who Jesus was so that no one would see him. So just like Lexie looked like a cheer leader on the outside and she wasn't on the inside, Nicodemus appeared to have everything in his life together and he didn't.

She concluded by sharing with us that Jesus wants a relationship with us and meets us where we're at, no matter where it is. He cares about our hearts and wants to walk through life with us.

And then she asked a hard question- What is limiting us from having a personal relationship with Jesus?

It was a great night and we're always looking forward to our next club!

A few things you should know:

  • As of 9/29, we have only a few more camp spots left so if you want to go with us, fill out and submit your form ASAP! The dates are Oct. 17-19! The form can be found here.

  • Also, the Powder Puff game is Oct. 6, so we will not be having club. We will be having a tailgate before the game and then going to the game to cheer on our Juniors and Seniors that are participating!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

First Club of the Year!

On Monday, Sept. 15, we had our very first club of the year! There was no general theme, but it was still a blast. It was so great to have everyone back after the summer!

We sang songs, our senior leaders Jess and Alivia had a cool skit for us, and we played a fun game and our winners won free t-shirts!

Nick, one of Northern Young Life's leaders, talked a little about his first experience with Young Life. Someone told him to "Come and see what it's about", and so he did. After being called up for a game, he remembers asking himself why he was there. He then realized that everything has purpose, there was a reason why he was at club that night, just like there was a reason that everyone who came to club was there. 

Nick also talked about John 1, and it is there that we find that everything has a Creator, and that is God. When God created the earth and all that was in it, he said it was good. But when God created us, he looked at us and saw that we were very good. He also gave an overview of what we will be talking about this semester. We'll talk about how Jesus came to earth in human form, to save His people from their sins. 

Our first club was crazy awesome, and we can't wait for the rest of the semester!